In a cosmos governed by the Seven Divine Sins, a realm as bleak and foreboding as any, the pantheon of these malevolent deities holds unyielding dominion. Here, in the obscurity of the cosmic abyss, their malevolent power casts a shadow of despair over all existence.

Lust - Zephyrion, the Enchanter of Desires:

Zephyrion, an alluring and seductive deity, is the embodiment of lust. With eyes that shimmer like distant galaxies and a voice that beckons like a siren's song, Zephyrion entices the hearts of mortals and immortals alike. It is said that worlds are born of their desire, and galaxies collide in the throes of their passion.

Gluttony - Voraxia, the Cosmic Devourer:

Voraxia is a colossal, ever-hungry entity, epitomizing gluttony. This deity devours entire celestial bodies, consuming entire galaxies with insatiable hunger. They are the cosmic void, a force that hungers for everything and knows no satisfaction.

Greed - Midasura, the Hoarder of Stars:

Midasura is a celestial being who embodies greed. This god collects and hoards the most radiant stars and precious cosmic treasures. Their insatiable appetite for wealth and power drives them to accumulate galaxies and planets, amassing ever more glittering wealth.

Sloth - Morphiax, the Dreamer in the Void:

Morphiax, a deity of indolence, is known as the Dreamer in the Void. This cosmic being spends eons in deep slumber, casting cosmic dreams and shaping the destiny of the universe through their subconscious whims. The longer Morphiax sleeps, the more profound their influence.

Wrath - Pyroclastus, the Celestial Fury:

Pyroclastus is the embodiment of wrath, a tempestuous entity whose fiery temperament erupts in cataclysmic displays of cosmic rage. Solar flares, supernovae, and celestial conflagrations are but a fraction of their furious power, wreaking havoc across the cosmos.

Envy - Shadethral, the Shadow of the Cosmos:

Shadethral, the lord of envy, resides in the shadows between the stars. This deity covets the light and beauty of other realms and covets the power of their cosmic brethren. Shadethral's envious gaze casts a pall of darkness and discord over the universe.

Pride - Solarael, the Radiant Sovereign:

Solarael is the embodiment of pride, a radiant deity who believes themselves the ruler of all existence. Their golden presence radiates with unmatched glory, and they demand unwavering devotion from all celestial beings. Solarael is both the beacon of hope and the blinding arrogance of the cosmos.